
what is the virus Learn more about what is the virus

  • What is a virus-free potato?

    What is a virus-free potato?

    What is a virus-free potato? What are the characteristics of virus-free potatoes? Please also know the netizens to help introduce the disadvantages of non-virus-free potatoes and the advantages of virus-free potatoes, which are listed in detail below for netizens' reference. The disadvantage of non-virus-free potato: the potato is rich in nutrition and short in growth period.

  • What harm does cucumber virus have? What kind of medicine should I take?

    What harm does cucumber virus have? What kind of medicine should I take?

    Virus disease is one of the most common diseases during cucumber growth, which can make the leaves yellow and wither, so that cucumbers do not bear melons, affect the yield, and seriously kill the whole plant, so when planting cucumbers, we must prevent and control this disease. what's the cucumber virus?

    2020-11-09 Cucumber virus disease have what harm hit medicine good
  • What is potato "virus-free seed potato"? Can I eat it?

    What is potato

    Potato is a common vegetable, which often appears on the table. The price is not high, economical and nutritious. However, in recent years, potato has been attacked by virus in the process of planting, and the yield of potato has declined.

    2020-11-09 What yes potatoes "virus-free seed potatoes " can you eat them?
  • Papaya tree cultivation: what is papaya mosaic virus disease?

    Papaya tree cultivation: what is papaya mosaic virus disease?

    What is papaya mosaic virus disease? What are the prevention and control methods of papaya mosaic virus disease? Please introduce the harm of papaya mosaic virus: papaya mosaic virus is a destructive disease commonly occurred in papaya producing areas in recent years. After one kind of plant, the disease will occur, with mottled yellow flowers on the leaves and dense new leaves.

  • What pesticides are used for mosaic virus disease

    What pesticides are used for mosaic virus disease

    Mosaic virus disease is a common transmitted disease, which is transmitted by planthoppers, aphids or thrips, so it is difficult to control. What pesticides are used for mosaic virus disease? What pesticides are used for mosaic virus disease? Mosaic virus disease can be treated with imidacloprid, chlorfenamine and thiazide.

    2020-11-08 Mosaic virus disease what pesticide mosaic yes
  • What harm does cucumber virus have? What kind of medicine should I take?

    What harm does cucumber virus have? What kind of medicine should I take?

    Virus disease is one of the most common diseases during cucumber growth, which can yellowing and withering leaves, causing cucumbers not to bear melons, affecting yield, and seriously killing the whole plant, so when planting cucumbers, this disease must be prevented.

  • What harm does chrysanthemum virus disease have?

    What harm does chrysanthemum virus disease have?

    Virus disease is an important disease in chrysanthemum cultivation, which is widely distributed. Chrysanthemum virus diseases occur all over China, including chrysanthemum infertility virus, chrysanthemum mosaic disease, chrysanthemum malformation disease and so on. 1. The pathogen of chrysanthemum infertility virus is tomato infertility virus.

  • What are the symptoms and control methods of tomato virus disease?

    What are the symptoms and control methods of tomato virus disease?

    Tomato is one of the common vegetables in our daily life, which is deeply loved by people because of its rich nutrition, and the planting area is also very extensive. In the specific planting process, it is easy to produce tomato virus disease. What are the symptoms of the disease? How to prevent and cure it? Let's come together next.

    2020-11-09 Tomato virus disease symptoms and prevention and control methods what are
  • Prevention and treatment of watermelon virus disease what drugs are used for watermelon virus disease

    Prevention and treatment of watermelon virus disease what drugs are used for watermelon virus disease

    Prevention and treatment of watermelon virus disease what drugs are used for watermelon virus disease

  • How can aquatic products be contaminated by novel coronavirus instead of infected? What are the characteristics of food contaminated by viruses?

    How can aquatic products be contaminated by novel coronavirus instead of infected? What are the characteristics of food contaminated by viruses?

    Prior to this, the detection of novel coronavirus on the salmon cutting board at the Xinfadi Wholesale Market in Beijing attracted everyone's attention, but according to experts, how could aquatic products be contaminated by novel coronavirus rather than infected? What are the characteristics of food contaminated by viruses? Lower

    2020-11-11 Aquatic products or by COVID-19 virus pollution rather than infection is
  • Cilantro planting: what is the parsley mosaic virus?

    Cilantro planting: what is the parsley mosaic virus?

    What is parsley mosaic virus? Please introduce and control the harm of parsley mosaic virus: yellow mosaic or mosaic occurs during plant growth, and the general heart leaf occurs mostly as light mosaic, sometimes the heart leaf shrinks, rolls backward, and the plant is seriously dwarfed. Parsley mosaic virus.

  • What viruses cause viral bronchitis

    What viruses cause viral bronchitis

    Viral infection, like viral influenza, that is, influenza, is one of the causes of viral pneumonia and bronchitis. Viral infection of the upper respiratory tract inflammation, are easy to cause viral bronchitis and other pulmonary inflammation. Specific...

  • Tomato planting techniques: what is Tomato Leaf Curl virus Disease?

    Tomato planting techniques: what is Tomato Leaf Curl virus Disease?

    What is tomato leaf curl virus disease? Please introduce that after tomato leaf curl virus disease is infected, the upper leaves become smaller, the leaf margin curls up, the leaves wrinkle and curl, the internodes become shorter, it is difficult to blossom and bear fruit, the fruit shape is small, and the ripening is slow. The infected plants grew slowly and were obviously dwarfed. Harm the curled leaves of tomato.

  • What is garlic mosaic disease?

    What is garlic mosaic disease?

    What is garlic mosaic disease? How to prevent and control garlic mosaic disease: 1, symptoms of the initial stage, along the veins appear intermittent yellow spots, after the connection into yellow and green same long stripes, plant dwarfing, and individual plant heart leaves are surrounded by adjacent leaves, curly deformity, long-term can not fully stretch, causing leaf twist...

  • What's wrong with the shrinking of the heart leaves of sharp pepper?

    What's wrong with the shrinking of the heart leaves of sharp pepper?

    Dry shrinkage occurs in the heart leaves of sharp pepper, which may be the occurrence of virus disease. After the pepper is infected with the virus, there can be a variety of symptoms, such as mosaic, fern leaves, bright veins, dwarfing, yellowing, necrosis, top withering, etc., among which the fern leaf virus disease can cause the heart leaves of sharp pepper to shrink. After the occurrence of the disease, the following methods can be used to prevent and cure the disease: ① 20% virus A wettable powder 500x, ② virus Jing or virulent 500x, ③ 1.5% phytoling emulsion 1000 times, ④ antiviral agent 1 400x

  • What are the problems that should be paid attention to in pigsty disinfection?

    What are the problems that should be paid attention to in pigsty disinfection?

    Now retail pig farming has been relatively rare, basically concentrated breeding, for our better living environment, environmental protection, green. The establishment of pig pens must be done by farmers before raising pigs. In order to reduce the occurrence of pig diseases, disinfection is very necessary.

    2020-11-11 Pigsty disinfection need attention yes problem what now
  • Food Safety Preventive measures of Avian Influenza virus

    Food Safety Preventive measures of Avian Influenza virus

    Avian influenza virus, which belongs to influenza A virus, can be divided into three grades: high, medium and low non-pathogenic according to the pathogenicity of avian influenza virus to chickens and turkeys. What are the food safety precautions against avian influenza virus? Virus characteristics of Influenza A

    2020-11-11 Avian influenza virus food safety preventive measures avian influenza
  • What is the virus of African snails?

    What is the virus of African snails?

    African snails have many parasites and bacteria that can cause viral infections, and infected people can cause powerful viruses such as tuberculosis and eosinophilic meningitis. Eating is extremely harmful. The virus of African snails is mainly transmitted to humans by eating.

    2020-11-11 Africa snail have what virus big body
  • If the plant is sick, it is also contagious!

    If the plant is sick, it is also contagious!

    Recently, Xiaozhi will see a lot of friends say to me that the plant I raised is sick, what is the reason and so on. Plants are generally physiological and pathological when they are sick. Just like people, they need to prescribe the right medicine to the case. If you are misdiagnosed, the plant will not survive in the end.

  • Tomato planting techniques: what are the diseases of autumn tomatoes?

    Tomato planting techniques: what are the diseases of autumn tomatoes?

    What are the diseases of autumn tomatoes? How to control autumn tomato diseases? Please give instructions on the prevention and control of autumn tomato diseases: virus disease, late blight, leaf mold, early blight, etc. Detailed control methods can be referred to the following: first, tomato virus disease: a prominent disease of autumn facility tomato, the source of which is tomato yellowing koji.
